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Classical Property Services
Property Management - It’s more than just collecting rent!


Best Locations

Classical Property Services manage hundreds of residential homes, apartment buildings & commercial properties across London. We strive to maintain the well-defined goal of securing long term quality tenancies for all clients.

Word Of Mouth

Many of our clients come by referrals from property owners and tenants by providing high-quality professional property management.

Working Together

We understand how important it is to maintain rentals to attract the best tenant possible professionally. Ultimately this protects our property owners' rental income and property.

Making Life Easier

Are you an investor or thinking of becoming one? Once you’ve found the right property, the specialist team at Classical Property Services can take care of all your needs. We’ll find the right tenants, prepare all lease/rental documentation, including agreements; this helps streamline your paperwork and any tax requirements.

Excellent Property Management

Behind our good reputation and extensive experience, you’ll find a team of highly skilled professionals who understand the importance of excellent property management.

If you would like more information or an appraisal on your property, please contact our office today.

All Property Types

We proudly offer the best property services for all building types, including apartments, houses and commercial properties; across London and the South East of England.

Getting The Most From Your Property

Providing top property management services in London, we can assist with all your management and real estate investment planning. Our professional & friendly team is here to help you at every stage of the process. So, no matter if you are new to being an investment property owner or have a sizable portfolio, we offer customised management solutions to reach your investment goals.

Helping You To Select The Right Option

Let us help you choose the perfect location with a residence that works for you. When you’re ready to come home to the best…..Classical Property Services will assist you every step of the way.

Make More Without The Hassle


Owning rental homes can be costly.  However, the right property management company can make all the difference.  Our goal is to help protect your investment, minimise your expenses, and maximise your income. Interrupting your daily life is not part of the plan!



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Aliquet enim ex posuere velit esse. Laboris sem officia pellentesque torquent accumsan. Occaecat nibh gravida phasellus.



Aliquet enim ex posuere velit esse. Laboris sem officia pellentesque torquent accumsan. Occaecat nibh gravida phasellus.